Janet Lau

Janet Lau

Registered Dietitian specializing in optimizing your health through food and nutrition

17 Experience · Dietetics, Nutrition · She, her

  • Virtual appointments

About me

I've been a State Licensed Registered Dietitian Nutritionist for almost 2 decades. I'm also a Certified Leap Therapist, to help those with food sensitivity, and a Holistic Coach. Where I am today is far different from where I started.

I grew up in a family full of emotional eaters and lived in an area lined with fast food. Although, I enjoyed my childhood, it didn't take long for me to notice that my relationship with food wasn't healthy along with all the discomfort I felt growing up. I had digestive issues, skin issues, weight problems and headaches/migraines. I didn't feel good inside and outside.

In attempts to feel better, I did what everybody else did which was to go from one fad diet to the next. After yo-yo'ing through fad diets and still not feeling well and exhausted with the "one-size-fits all" prescriptive recommendations given by doctors to go on a diet and drink more water, I decided I needed to understand what health and wellness really means.

I enrolled in the Nutrition and Food Science Program in Hunter College. After graduating and completing the didactic program, I officially became a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. After a few years of clinical work, I realized there was more to nutrition than just treatment. Soon after, I enrolled in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and it was there that I understood the power of prevention and bio-individuality.

I understand the growing pains in connecting with food and nutrition. Therefore, I not only provide empathy to my patient's journey but can now also offer insight into a different approach!

My Philosophy

I provide a strategic approach that includes variety and balance. I use medical nutrition therapy and integrate holistic practices as an alternative approach to care. I work with the patient to help create realistic recommendations in order to meet their objective(s). I find that when the patient is involved and feels a part of their care, the results are transformative and outcomes are more lasting.

  • Hunter College, The City University of NY
  • Institute for Integrative Nutrition

RDN, CDN, CLT, Holistic Coach

Treatments offered

FODMAP, Gluten-Free, Lifestyle Consultations, Medical nutrition, Nutritional Counseling, PCOS/Endometriosis Specialization, Postpartum Support, Vegan, General Chronic Illness Specialization, Hormonal nutrition, IBS/Crohn's/UC Specialization, Nutritional testing

Communities of focus

Women, Men, Non-gender specific, human-beings

Bright Belly
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